Monday, November 22, 2010

Week of Thanksgiving morphed into Black Friday Week? (Interesting yet disappointing article on Thanksgiving and $ in the Fiscal Times)

 Dear America,

 I would like to address the apparent changing of this week's title from "Thanksgiving Week" to
"Black Friday Week". I was informed of this by several retailers through email starting at 6am this morning, Monday, November 22, 2010.
 Barnes & Noble wants me to remember they can help me make everyone's holiday wishes come true, and wants me to know it's time to start buying the material possessions that will guarantee loved ones reciprocate my love, NOW, earlier than ever before! I can also do all of this online, avoiding the throngs of possibly violent and unstable shoppers that will be out hoping to secure the approval and affection of their loved ones.
 While I do appreciate the latter, I have to remind you that this week is actually the week of Thanksgiving. Although some of the historical facts are unsavory, the underlying theme of the holiday (giving thanks for the wonderful and often undeserved blessings that we do have in our lives b/c it seems you have forgotten this detail) is something I'd like to stick to. So, please allow me to cultivate an attitude of gratitude this week, and steer clear of any unnecessary consumer anxiety.

 I hope you can all do the same. Feel free to leave any Thanksgiving traditions and or suggestions that you feel will help us all to appreciate what we have in this moment have rather than anticipate what materials we want or think we need. For instance, most Turkey Trots ( 5k races on Thanksgiving morning) give at least a portion of the entry fees to a local charity, or you can check your local charities and shelters for volunteer opportunities this week.

 Happy THANKSGIVING Week!!!!!